TOWA Annual Conference

March 17-19, 2025 in Galveston, TX

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The Texas On-Site Wastewater Association is dedicated to protecting public health, public safety and environmental health, environmental safety. We continue to actively promote bills that protect public waters of Texas, as well as watch for and oppose bills with the potential to threaten surface waters and ground waters of Texas. Thank you to TOWA Members who meet their legislators & support Texas Legislative Day each session.

“On-Site Sewage Facilities” properly installed, operated and maintained in Texas protect our finite water supply. If left unattended, improperly regulated or unregulated “On-Site Sewage Facilities” have the potential to contaminate these waters. TOWA’s legislative goal is to educate and advise our legislatures on practical and economical laws to achieve safe, environmentally friendly treatment of domestic sewage on residential and commercial properties of Texas.

TOWA Legislative Day - Feb 15 2017 Group photo

The above photo is from the TOWA legislative day meet and greet that allowed us to visit staff and discuss issues that concern TOWA. Representative Larson was able to meet most of the board members and get a better understanding of who we represent. Networking is critical in legislative efforts.

TOWA Meet & Greet 02-15-17 Cropped

The above photo is from the TOWA legislative day meet and greet that allowed us to visit staff for a longer period and discuss issues that concern TOWA. Representative Larson was able to meet most of the board members and get a better understanding of who we represent.

TOWA Meet & Greet 02-15-17 W Baker photo

The photo above is also from our 2017 legislative day of TOWA’s president Wendell Baker visiting with a group of staff members explaining just who TOWA represents and how important our industry’s role is in protecting the waters of Texas.

During our legislative day, Brian Wakefield mentioned to one of the young staff members our concern of the $10.00 permit fee still being collect by TCEQ from Authorized Agents and not being used for the legislation mandated for which it is collected. This started a discussion that quickly took off to create a Bill with TOWA’s input.

HB 2771 was filed on March 2, 2017 and authored By: Honorable Representative Dade Phelan and Sponsored by Honorable Senator Robert Nichols.

HB 2771 PASSED and will become effective September 1,2017.

Legislative Actions on HB 2771 are Below: (descending date order)

E Effective on 9/1/17                                                                    06/15/2017
E Signed by the Governor 06/15/2017
S Signed in the Senate and Sent to the Governor 05/30/2017
H Signed in the House 05/29/2017
H Reported enrolled 05/28/2017
S House concurs in Senate amendment(s)-reported 05/26/2017
H Text of Senate Amendment(s) 05/26/2017
H Record vote 05/26/2017
H House concurs in Senate amendment(s) 05/26/2017
H Senate Amendments Analysis distributed 05/25/2017
H Senate Amendments distributed 05/25/2017
H Senate passage as amended reported 05/25/2017
S Record vote 05/24/2017
S Passed 05/24/2017
S Read 3rd time 05/24/2017
S Record vote 05/24/2017
S Three day rule suspended 05/24/2017
S Vote recorded in Journal 05/24/2017
S Read 2nd time & passed to 3rd reading 05/24/2017
S Laid before the Senate 05/24/2017
S Placed on local & uncontested calendar 05/24/2017
S Committee report printed and distributed 05/20/2017
S Recommended for local & uncontested calendar 05/19/2017
S Reported favorably as substituted 05/19/2017
S Considered in public hearing 05/19/2017
S Scheduled for public hearing on 05/19/2017
S Referred to Agriculture, Water, & Rural Affairs 05/08/2017
S Read first time 05/08/2017
S Received from the House 05/05/2017
H Reported engrossed 05/05/2017
H Record vote 05/04/2017
H Passed 05/04/2017
H Read 3rd time 05/04/2017
H Passed to engrossment 05/03/2017
H Read 2nd time 05/03/2017
H Placed on General State Calendar 05/03/2017
H Considered in Calendars 04/26/2017
H Committee report sent to Calendars 04/24/2017
H Transferred to Calendars Committee 04/24/2017
H Considered in Local & Consent Calendars 04/24/2017
H Comm. report sent to Local & Consent Calendar 04/19/2017
H Committee report distributed 04/18/2017
H Comte report filed with Committee Coordinator 04/18/2017
H Reported favorably as substituted 04/12/2017
H Recommended to be sent to Local & Consent 04/12/2017
H Committee substitute considered in committee 04/12/2017
H Considered in formal meeting 04/12/2017
H Left pending in committee 04/11/2017
H Testimony taken/registration(s) recorded in committee 04/11/2017
H Committee substitute considered in committee 04/11/2017
H Considered in public hearing 04/11/2017
H Scheduled for public hearing on 04/11/2017
H Referred to Environmental Regulation 03/30/2017
H Read first time 03/30/2017
H Filed 03/02/2017


We continued working the entire length of this session with our legislatures. Several of us went to the hearings, Wiley Cloud our Legislative Chair and Randy Chelette our Executive Director stayed in almost constant communication with legislative staff through this long list of actions to see HB 2771 amended, pass the House amended again pass Senate and sent to the Governor.

This bill essentially requires the funds collected for on-site wastewater treatment and reuse research to be spent on what they were originally collected for. For more information on the final bill see below:

HB-2771S Analysis

HB-2771 Senate Amendments 2nd Printing

The TOWA Board appreciates all of our members support. Together we can and will continue to make a positive impact on our states most precious resource.

If you are a member of TOWA or thinking of joining and have any questions or would like to participate in future legislative activities please contact our legislative chair.

Contact information for our TOWA Legislative Chair:

Mr. Wiley Cloud

Cell: (210) 378-6887
